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Union Park School

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Union Park School
Home of the Toros!


Open enroll at Union Park
Join Union Park Today!

You can attend Union Park even if you live outside of the school's boundaries.

Learn more about open enrollment for the 2025-26 school year.

Union Park School News & Events

Upcoming Events at Union Park

Kindergarten Registration is Open!

If your child will be 5-years-old by August 31, sign him/her up for UP Kindergarten today!

Union Park is a Model PLC School

Learn what it means to be a Model PLC school, and see why UP impressively accomplished this in its first 3 years.

Union Park School Information

Mission Statement

Union Park School’s goal is to immerse students in an extraordinary education that promotes academic and social-emotional growth while providing opportunities for cultural competency, ensuring that each individual is prepared to make a positive contribution to society and their future.


School vision statement


Spanish Immersion Registration

Spanish Immersion registration is now open for the 2025-26 school year! Sign up today.

Get on the Field with UP Athletics!

Put me in coach! Learn more about Toros at play with our athletics information. Sports are open to 7th and 8th grade students.

Optional Device Protection Plan

A few dollars now can save a lot of dollars later on a broken device! See our plan options for piece of mind.