Union Park Health Office
Welcome to the Union Park Health Center!
Hi Toros!
My name is Nurse Elizabeth, and I am very excited to serve your children's health care needs.
Please feel free to email me with any upcoming medication or medical needs your child may have this year.
I will be on campus for the meet the teacher night event if you need to drop off any medications for your students to receive here on campus.
A little about me,
I have been a nurse since 2017, and have been blessed to be in pediatric care my entire career. I have worked for DVUSD as a school nurse for 4 years, and also in home health care. Though I am new to UP, I have a lot of experience with school nursing!
I married the love of my life in 2017, and together we have 6 kiddos and one on the way! We also have two very special grand babies!
I am very excited to be here as my kindergartner will be attending this school with me.
Contact information:
Health Office Phone: (623) 445-5810
Front Office Phone: (623) 445-5800
Front Office Fax: (623) 445-5880
Attendance Line: (623) 445-5890
Health Office Information
- Illness Procedures
- Medication
- Immunizations
- PE Excuses
- Head Lice
- Hearing & Vision Screenings
- COVID-19
- Asthma
- Peanut Allergies & Food Allergies
- Diabetes
- Seizures
Illness Procedures
Role of the School Nurse
First-aid and medical care provided by the school nurse is primarily for illnesses or injuries that occur at school during the school day. The Health Center is not a primary care facility like a doctor's office. By law, the nurse does not make medical diagnoses, prescribe treatment or medications, but can provide treatments and medications prescribed by a physician with a doctor's order.
Illness Procedures
1. School is no place for a sick child. Please do not send your child to school if:
- they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher
- have vomited within the last 24 hours
- have any diarrhea in the last 24 hours
- they have not been free of a fever (without taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen) for 24 hours regardless of how they feel
Signs/symptoms of illness:
- Fever (oral temp of 100 degrees or higher)
- Diarrhea, any loose stools
- Red, watery eyes, pus in corners
- Constant sneezing and/or deep cough, constantly running nose
- Unexplained rash
- Headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- Swelling to face or neck
- Flushed face or paleness
- Very sore throat
- Painful earache
2. Please do not send a sick child to school for the school nurse to decide whether he/she should be in school. If in doubt, call your family physician. School nurses can assess and refer, but do not diagnose, and will always refer to you and/or your physician's evaluation and treatment.
3. If your child sustains an injury at home or off campus, please take care of it at home. The nurse is more than happy to take care of injuries that happen during school hours, but the nurse is not here to take the place of your primary physician's evaluation and treatment.
4. If your child becomes ill enough to be removed from school, has more than a minor injury, or has an emergency, you will be notified. It is the parent's responsibility to make arrangements to pick up an ill or injured child as promptly as possible. Students are not permitted to walk home sick, even with permission. Please make sure there are up-to-date home/work numbers on your child's emergency card. Please notify the school/nurse immediately of any changes in phone numbers. If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or greater, they will be sent home. Any child with an undiagnosed rash will be sent home and should remain out of school until all symptoms are gone or a physician verifies (with a written note) that the child is not contagious and is well enough to return to school.
If every parent follows these procedures, it will save much suffering and prevent the spread of contagious diseases, some which may be life threatening.
AS ALWAYS, hand washing is the best defense against the spread of germs!
Washing hands thoroughly with soap and warm water (at least 20 seconds) is the best method.
Medication Requirement
In accordance with the Arizona School Board Association and the DVUSD Governing Board Policy JLCD, concerning administration of medication at school, there is a new requirement in order to give prescribed medications and dietary supplements in the school setting. This includes daily prescription medicines, asthma medicines, and prescribed allergy medicines (Ex:Epi-Pens, AuviQ)
Governing Board Policy JLCD Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students: "There shall be a written order from the physician stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time it is to be given."
All prescription medications, in addition to the information on the ORIGINAL labeled bottle, must have a written doctor's order with student's name, how, when and how often to be administered. Most pharmacies will give you an extra "school bottle" if you ask. Forms are available in the nurse's office.
Basic Medication Information
There are no stock medications in the Health Center!
If you want your child to have an OTC (over the counter) medication, you must bring it in the original container and sign a parent medication consent permission form for the nurse to administer it at school during school hours.
*Students are NOT allowed to carry medication on them or in their backpacks unless it is an emergency medication for seizures, asthma, or allergies, and the proper paperwork is completed and on file in the health office. Cough drops/Cough lollipops are considered a medication and students are NOT allowed to keep them in their backpack and take them at their leisure.
The nurse is only allowed to give the dosage given on the label for the age of your child. If an OTC medication states, "ask a doctor" for the dosage amount, a doctor's note will be required (Besides a parent, over the counter medications cannot legally be dispensed by anyone other than a pharmacist or physician).
If a medication states it is to be taken once or twice daily - that medication should be given at home not by the school nurse.
Medications are not kept in the nurse's office over the summer. Medications not picked up within one day of the end of the school year will be discarded. Email reminders will be sent home for medication pickup in May.
Field Trip Medication
If a student needs medication while on a field trip, the medication must be furnished by the parent and given to the teacher prior to departure for the field trip. A signed field trip medication form must accompany the medication. The medication must be provided in the original container with only the number of doses needed for the field trip. Medications such as tablets or capsules cannot come from the school nurse's supply. The school nurse cannot legally direct anyone other than another nurse to give medications.
Helpful Forms
Medication Administration Record
Immunization Rules for 11-Year-Old Students
Arizona Department of Health Services has made changes to rules for age requirement for Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines for school attendance which will affect your students as they turn 11 years old.
Tdap (tetanus diphtheria, attenuated pertussis) will be required for students as they turn 11 years old and older when 5 years have passed since the last tetanus/diphtheria vaccine dose (DTP, DtaP, or Td). Previously, a Td was done 10 years after the initial series was completed, but recurrence of pertussis in the teen population over the past years has put children at increased risk for this life-threatening disease. This is required as they turn 11 even if they are not in the 6th grade.
MV (meningococcal vaccine) will be required for students who are 11 years old, even if they are not in 6th grade yet. Meningococcal meningitis can be highly contagious in teen and young adults and may result in severe disability if not death. Students entering 6th grade must have documentation of these immunizations prior to the beginning school year each Fall if they are already 11 years old.
As you update your child's immunizations, please get the Tdap and MV administered and documented as soon as possible when your child turns 11 years old. Please get that documentation to your School Nurse when completed so that school records can be updated.
Exemptions forms are available from the nurse and must be filled out in person by the parent for personal exemption or physician for a medical exemption. Remember, these are with understanding of potential exclusions from school in event of any outbreak of disease as determined by the Maricopa County Health Department.
Immunizations Required for School
MCDPH offers free immunization clinics. Click here for more information or to find a clinic near you.
PE Excuses
Physical Education Excuses
Students requesting to be excused from PE must bring a note signed by their parents, guardians or doctor to the Nurse. The Nurse will then make a copy of the note for the student to take to PE and share with the PE teacher. Any request for three or more consecutive PE excuses must be accompanied by a Physician's written order. PE teachers will be informed of the length of excuse, and any accommodations that need to be made for your child. If your child has a health condition that causes him/her to miss PE class frequently, a doctor's note will be required. If a doctor has excused a student from PE, the student will not be released back to class without written clearance from the doctor. You can also email PE excuses to both the PE teacher and myself.
All injuries requiring any type of orthopedic support or device on campus must be reported with a medical excuse and cleared through the Health Office. If your child sustains a fracture and has a splint or a cast, or has been authorized by a physician to use crutches or a wheelchair while on campus, please check in with the nurse prior to the child returning to class. I will need a doctor's note to authorize use of the elevator in the academic buildings and crutches or a wheelchair on campus. A written PE/activity restriction notice is also required, as well as a release to return to physical education when the student's injury has healed.
Head Lice
Head Lice (Pediculosis)
- Itchy head or tickling sensation (most common)
- Feelings of something moving through the hair or on the head
- Sores on the head from scratching
- Difficulty sleeping as lice are more active at night
- Over the counter treatment kits may be found at most grocery stores, CVS/Walgreens, Target/Walmart. Treatment must be repeated 7-10 days after the first application.
- Nonpharmacological treatment can be used for parents who prefer to avoid chemical treatment. Nonpharmacological treatment requires rigorous wet combing every 3 days for 2 weeks, although cure rate is significantly improved with combing every 24 hours for 2 weeks.
- Avoid head to head contact
- Do not share brushes, combs, or towels (disinfect by soaking in hot water, at least 130 degrees)
- Do not share clothing, hats, scarves, barrettes, hair ribbons, coats, etc.
- Perform weekly hair/head checks
- Encourage your child not to hug friends or share clothing, hats, or hair ties.
- After slumber parties increase hair/head inspections, wash and dry clothing/bedding in water that is at least 130 degrees.
- Children with long hair should keep their hair contained with a ponytail, braid, etc., this will decrease the likelihood of hair to hair transmission during play and close contact during school activities.
If your child has lice please inform the school nurse 623-445-5810. Information is kept confidential.
Please feel free to visit the CDC or Mayo Clinic websites for more information regarding head lice.
*Resources for lice treatment/removal
Hearing & Vision Screenings
Hearing and vision screenings are done on all kindergarten students, new to DVUSD students, and all students who receive services through the special education department within 45 days of enrollment.
In addition, all students who are in Pre-K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, & 7th grades are also screened throughout the school year. Parents and teachers can request a screening for any student at any time if a concern arises.
Hearing and vision screening will take place during the Fall semester at Union Park.
Students who have difficulty with their initial hearing screening will be tested again in 10-30 days, and if still having problems, will then be referred to an Audiologist. Parents will receive a referral letter that will be sent home. We have a district Audiologist who will see students at no cost.
Vision referral letters are sent home to notify parents if a student has difficulty with any portion of the vision screening.
We are all experiencing Covid fatigue regarding this pandemic. While not as rampant as it once was, COVID is still out there and cases are still being reported.
If your child tests positive while school is in session, please do not forget to call the school nurse and report it. Current recommendation is that if a child is symptomatic and tests positive, they stay home for 5 days from the onset of their symptoms. Then, if symptoms are not present and the student has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, they can return to school. It is recommended that they wear a mask for the following 5 days (10 days total from the onset of symptoms). They do not have to have a negative test to return. If someone in the household is symptomatic or tests positive, but the student is asymptomatic, they may attend school. Please consider the severity of symptoms and comfort of your student in a learning atmosphere when sending them to school. Also, as a gentle reminder, we do have students/staff who are more vulnerable or have conditions that may cause them to have a more severe reaction to Covid. Thank you for thinking of the staff and student body when considering how or when to send your child to school.
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma and /or uses an inhaler, please complete the forms below and call the school nurse (623-445-5810) to schedule an appointment to come into the office to go over your child's Asthma plan and medications. The Asthma action plan will ensure that we have a plan in place to keep your student safe on campus.
Letter to Parents Regarding SVN Treatments
Medication Administration Record
Please fill out a Medication Administration Record form for EVERY individual medication your student will be taking while on campus.
Please fill out form IF your student is allowed to carry his/her inhaler on them and take it independently while at school.
Peanut Allergies & Food Allergies
Peanut/Tree Nut Allergy
If your child has a peanut or tree nut allergy, please complete the forms below and call the school nurse (623-445-5810) to schedule an appointment to come into the office to go over your child's allergy plan. The anaphylaxis emergency plan and allergy history form will allow us to have a plan in place to keep your student safe on campus. Please make sure to bring your child's Epi-Pen and/or Benadryl to the health office prior to the first day of school or upon new diagnosis.
Medication Administration Record- Please fill out a Medication Administration Record form for each medication your student will be taking while on campus.
School Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies
Peanut and Nut Free Table Letter
Special Diet Accommodation Form
Self- Carry Permission Form Please fill out form IF your student is allowed to carry his/her emergency medication on them while at school.
Student Severe Allergy History Form
Food (Non-Peanut) Allergy
If your child has a food allergy (non-peanut), please complete the forms below and call the school nurse (623-445-5810) to schedule an appointment to come into the office to go over your child's food allergy plan. The anaphylaxis emergency plan and allergy history form will allow us to have a plan in place to keep your student safe on campus. Please make sure to bring your child's Epi-Pen and/or Benadryl to the health office prior to the first day of school or upon new diagnosis.
Student Severe Allergy History
Medication Administration Record- Please fill out a Medication Administration Record form for each medication your student will be taking while on campus.
School Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies
Special Diet Accommodation Form
Self -Carry Permission Form -Please fill out form IF your student is allowed to carry his/her emergency medication on them while at school.
If your child has been diagnosed with Diabetes, please complete the forms below and call the school nurse (623-445-5810) to schedule an appointment to come into the office to go over your child's diabetic plan.
Diabetic Treatment Plan for School
Medication Administration Record
If your child has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, please complete the forms below and call the school nurse (623-445-5810) to schedule an appointment to come into the office to go over your child's seizure plan. These action plans will ensure that we have a plan in place to keep your student safe on campus.
Medication Administration Record